

Sorry to have gone missing for a while. Shot a roll while I was out for a walk the other day, can't wait to see how it will turn out! Meanwhile I'm still enjoying everyone's photos with my iphone whenever I can.

Looking at summer photos put me in such a holiday-ish mood. Anyone's been travelling?


  1. so good to see you post! i long for travel- only short day trips here and there, but they have been lovely! can't wait to see your upcoming rolls :)

  2. the last is so sweet. In September we will travel to Paris, and before we enjoy the holidays with a couple of day trips.

  3. Ohhh this makes me feel Japan-sick! (assuming this is in Japan..?) Are those ridiculously cute pull-along dogs inflatable..? Lovely blog!

  4. i've been thinking of travelling these few days. i really want to go for a long, long trip to places where i don't understand the speaking language at all. anyway, miss your pictures! looking forward to your pictures!

  5. I've been trying to finish a roll, but I always hesitate with film cameras. I'm traveling around South Korea this summer!

  6. Haha. such cute and heart warming images.

  7. Oh Shirley, I can't wait to go somewhere. Glad to see you here again and loving those animals on wheels :)

  8. Short trips sound great too Kitchu! Thanks always for your nice comments.

    Paris!! Maybe I'll make my way there someday, first to start with those masculine and feminine nouns...have a good one Kristin!

    Yes Anna these are Japan, and yeap they are inflatable. I know because I went to poke at them. Aren't Jap kids such cuties?

    Hey long limbs, me too. I'm thinking along the lines of Russia haha. Hope you make that trip soon.

    Yeap I know what you mean Sewon. I used to feel like I'm clicking my money away, films are so hard to find and so expensive nowadays. But it kind of make me think more about my shots, what about you?

    Thanks Howie =)

    Hey Karen, yeap I hope you do too. Haven't seen you upload in a while, been swarmed too?

    Thank you Myrte. I like your name!
