

What do you shoot when you don't know what to shoot? Do you sometimes feel that way too?

I'm trying to find an answer amidst tons of work. Meanwhile just some shots from the archives.

Have a good rest everyone =)


  1. good question.. i feel a bit uninspired lately.
    i have the feeling that i am taking the same photos all over again: windows, food and some portraits of my friends....

  2. hehe very though-provoking !
    well i shoot to keep records of my life, in a way, so when i don't know what to shoot i just don't ! and i've learnt a break no matter how short is always worth it.

  3. I always shoot like: flowers, fields, countryside. Maybe things boring, but to me it's fun. I miss the inspiration I look at blogs, pictures of the other things: food, portraits ...

  4. these are so great, i am loving those dogs. and my dog was always what i shot when i couldn't think of anything. it has been so hard, so very very hard, without him (not because i can't take pictures of him, though that is hard in its own right too).

    i am always so happy when you've posted. i love your photos.

  5. Good question. I would love to see what others reply.
    My go-to place is the ocean if I don't know what I want

    P.S. I just can't get over that picture with the dogs above =)

  6. ...exactly how i do feel right now.
    I found that loooking at what other photographers shoot does inspire my look to be different.
    But my answer, when i don't know what / where to shoot, is leaving my camera home on purpose, and see the "God! i wish i had taken my camera with me!" feeling come back. That, and/or playing games like "Shoot at least five pictures of numbers today", "pink pictures day", "clouds only day", etc...

  7. Hello! I've just discovered your blog and really like it! Love the photos you take. I think that with inspiration you just have to keep at it, and one day it will come back. As Pablo Picasso said: Inspiration exists, but it has to find us working....I will be looking forward to your future posts, : )

  8. Hi Shirley, am loving those doggies and carousel shots. I know exactly what you mean...I try to visit a new, often, eating place :) And start to think really hard about getting out of the country! Hope you get a breather from work soon.

  9. Hey Shirley!

    I'm in the same boat as well. Browsing through flickr and tumblr does give a little bit of inspiration.


  10. oh the picture of the two dogs is simply heartmelting. so very cute!

  11. mh. i guess i simply stop taking pictures when i don't know what to shoot but usually it's not for long. there is always some cute little detail that makes me wanna capture it :)

  12. I hope you find more inspiration soon :)

  13. the carousel looks so dreamy!

  14. I feel swamped right now too. But I always try to keep my camera with me, even when I complain that it is too heavy for these hot summer days. But I like to think that the camera takes me on adventures, and it is a really relaxing and exciting time of my day. Or week. ha! Hope you find your inspiration soon.

  15. Thanks guys, it gave me such a nice warm tingly feeling to read all your advice. It made me feel like I was not alone in this. But please don't stop snapping I enjoy your photos!
