The things that she says nowadays makes me laugh.
Hands me a plastic ice cream cone.
'Mama you want ice cream?'
'Ok thank you.'
After pretending to eat I put it aside and continued typing.
She ran back after a while.
'Mama, where's the ice cream?'
'In my tummy yum yum'
'You ate the TOY?'
She was carrying a small goodie bag.
'Was it your friend's birthday in school today?'
'Yes got birthday cake and candles!'
'Did you sing happy birthday to your friend?'
'Yes, teacher told me not to sing so loudly.'
Conversation on the bus.
'Look that's popo (grandma)'s old school.'
'Popo went to school?'
'Yes when she was a little girl.'
'Did you bring popo to school?'
Walks out of school looking very solemn.
'Mama, there's a thinking chair in school.'
'Oh what's a thinking chair?'
'If you do something naughty you have to sit on the thinking chair.'
'And what do you have to do on the thinking chair?'
'Hmm... have to cry.'